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valentine court
phase ii and iii

Santa Maria, California

Impact Sketch provided services in connection with two of the three phases of Valentine Court, a HUD-funded affordable housing development serving elderly and developmentally disabled renters.
The two-story, 18-unit Phase II project surrounds a courtyard protected from prevailing winds by an elevator tower.

The 9 units of the Phase III project are all accessible one-story flats with front porches, surrounding a lawn/retention basin. Both phases were designed with familiar residential forms and details to maintain the non-institutional character of the project.

Client: Peoples� Self Help
Housing Coropration

IMPACT SKETCH ARCHITECTS __________ 151 H O ALDRIDGE RD __________SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401 __________T: 954.951.3081_________F: 954.951.3081